A Tutti Juice egy beteljesült álom, a mi „szerelem termékünk”. 

Ha röviden össze kellene foglalnom a márkát, azt mondanám: A fogyasztók álma! Mivel nem óriás, multinacionális „öltönyös” embereknek az újabb sablon üdítőital márkája, hanem két fogyasztó egyedi ízlésének a megvalósulása. Két fogyasztónak, akik nem a mintát követik, nem Nielsen számokból informálódnak, hanem saját utat keresnek és újdonságokat szeretnének üdítőital formájában létrehozni. 2018-ban ez még csak álom volt, mára már valóság. Egy olyan valóság, amit a fentebb említett multinacionális vállalatok MÁSOLNAK!

What is exactly Tutti and how did it start? Let me tell you...

I love tutti-frutti flavor since I was a child. That's why I, unfortunately, drank a lot of energy drinks, even 5-6 cans a day, only for their taste. This cause some health conditions throughout the year, so I stopped drinking them, but still missed the taste. 

In 2018, my partner, Kinga, said, let's create a soft drink, that can be consumed any time during the day, has the great tutti-frutti flavor and looks just as cool as energy drinks. But opposed to those, it would be an alternative, healthy version.

Mondtam neki, hogy ez mind szép és jó, de 2 fiatal hogyan kezdjen el a nulláról felépíteni egy üdítőt? Így a dolgot elvetettük, de elültette a bogarat a fülembe… Pár hétre rá elkezdtem keresgélni, nézelődni, olvasgatni, hogy hogyan is lehetne egy ilyet létrehozni. Mivel kis piackutatást is végeztem, arra jutottam, hogy nem vagyok egyedül, hiszen sokan szeretik a tutti-frutti ízt, de nem isznak energiaitalt, mert pl. várandósak, fiatalok vagy koffeinérzékenyek. 

A few weeks later, I started researching and reading about how to create a brand like that. Since I also did a little market research, I came to the conclusion that I am not alone, as many people like the tutti-frutti taste, but prefer not to drink energy drinks because, e.g. they are pregnant, young or caffeine sensitive.

Minden pénzünket összeszedve legyártottuk az első adagot 2020 januárjában. Életünk egyik legszebb pillanata volt, amikor a gyárból kihoztuk az első doboz Tutti-t. Ekkor azt hittem, hogy „kész is, mehet a polcra, ez már innen könnyű lesz”. Hát rosszul hittem… 

Using all our money, we produced the first batch in January 2020. It was one of the most beautiful moments of our lives when we brought the first box of Tutti out of the factory. At that point, I thought "it's done, it's ready to be on the shelves, it will be easy from here". I was wrong... 

Since then, I realized that putting a product on store shelves is just as difficult as creating a product from scratch with your own recipe and design, especially in the soft drink market. 

Megfogadtam egy tapasztalt Coop-os vezető tanácsát, aki azt mondta nekem: „Gergő, ha az ajtón kidobnak, mássz vissza az ablakon”. Így is tettem! Addig mentem, amíg nagy nehezen az egyik régiós hálózat azt mondta nekem, hogy „oké, veszünk párat és kitesszük a boltba, majd ha nem megy visszaveszed…”. A mai napig őrizzük az első dobozt, amit egy miskolci Szuper Coopban vettünk! 

I took the advice of an experienced Coop manager who told me: "Gergő, if you are thrown out the door, climb back through the window". So I did! I went until, with great difficulty, one of the regional networks told me that "okay, we'll buy a few and put them on the shelves, but if it doesn't work, you'll have to take them back...". We still have the can we bought in a Super Coop in Miskolc until this very day. 

Fortunately, we weren't the only ones who bought the drink, it became sold out very quickly, even though only a few were put on the shelves in the 11 stores we managed to convince to buy them.

This was in February 2020, and we grew within the network until the product became available in 44 stores by the summer. That summer brought us tremendous progress, as we began to build our county partnerships who distributed our product. In the meantime, we also managed to join another large Hungarian network, so the product became available in the Budapest stores of CBA and Príma. How? The commercial director gave me 5 minutes to present the product and convince them that they need it! I did. 

By the end of 2020, our soft drink was available in independent convenience stores, thanks to our online webshop and our county partners, with whom we built the market together. 

At the beginning of 2021, we also successfully broke through the gates of supermarkets and by the end of the year Tutti Juice was available everywhere in the country for HUF 199! Meanwhile, we were constantly developing and thinking about new products, so at the beginning of 2022, we launched and presented our 2nd permanent product, Tutti Juice TEA. Our second product is also unique on the Hungarian market, as it introduces the American sweet-tea formula to our small country, paired with our tutti-frutti flavor. 

By this time, Hungarian and international companies noticed us, and unfortunately, they have started copying our product, after seeing our success. It never bothered us, it rather made us proud, so we continued to go forward, and the copies were lagging behind us. 

In the summer of 2022, we held our first prize draw with a new, unique soft drink. This became the SECRET Tutti Juice, in which we hid 3 secret fruit flavors and the consumers had to guess what flavors this sugar-free Tutti hides. The 3-month campaign was vital in the life of our company, because at the beginning of our journey, 2020, I asked my family to save money for a billboard advertisement as a birthday and name day gift. The SECRET campaign, on the other hand, was already present on almost all advertising platforms, e.g. TV commercials, online appearances, billboards, store advertisements, etc... 

Sikeresen lezajlott a nyereményjáték is. Óriási büszkeséggel tölt el minket, hogy ezt megtehettük és öröm volt hallani a játékosoktól, hogy „végre ez nem egy szokványos, vegyél valamit és nyerhetsz játék”! 2022 végére pedig elmondhattuk, hogy a termékünk a Lidl láncot kivéve minden hazai és multinacionális üzletben megtalálható! 

The prize draw was successfully completed. It fills us with great pride that we were able to do this and it was a pleasure to hear from the participants that "after all, this is not an ordinary, buy something and you can win type of game"! By the end of 2022, our products were available in all domestic and multinational stores except the Lidl chain. 

Since then, we already have 3 new products in our portfolio, and lots of new and unique ideas that we want to share with our dear consumers in 2023. I've already said in several interviews that we don't do this for the money, we do it because we enjoy every moment of it. We also love to face problems we think have no solution for, or when a pregnant woman sends us a message to thank us for being able to drink our delicious tutti-frutti flavored soft drink, because this would not be possible without us! 

Among our goals, we now mostly focus on foreign expansion, since there is no other soft drink brand as unique as Tutti Juice! Two young people put all their energy into their dreams and they still only do it because they enjoy every minute of it. This makes Tutti unique! We continue to move steadily forward, not following/copying others. We welcome our old and new customers to join the family of tutti-frutti lovers! Get it and flick it!

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Tutti Juice © 2023
